Sunday, August 25, 2013


Notice and Focus + Ranking
Step 1: They ask John Stewart questions that they have already answered themselves, the hosts react with emotion and don't think through their rebuttals very well, they want to start arguments not talk about the issues, the hosts are overly biased and don't want to even hear the other side of the discussion, John Stewart tried to remain as calm as he could so as to not give the hosts what they want.

Step 2: Just want to make arguments, asking questions they have already answered themselves, John Stewart tried to remain calm

Step 3: These three things were the most interesting because they showed just how much the people on the show did not want to have real discussions about the important issues, instead they wanted to have entertaining arguments with the person they had sitting in between them, in the "crossfire" of the two hosts. To do this they had ask questions that they had answered themselves so that they could refute the person in the middle's answer with as much emotion as possible. The hosts were so good at what they did that even when John Stewart came on the show and tried to ruin it by staying calm, even he couldn't remain completely calm in the argument.

The Method
Step 1: "bad" x3, "hurting America" x3, "stop" x4
Step 2: Stop, Hate, Argue, Bad
Step 3: News/Comedy, Left/Right, Red Sox/Yankees
Step 4: John Stewart repeating the phrase "hurting America" really stood out to me. It stood out to me because it was true, when people watch a show on CNN or another news channel they expect to hear the news, no matter how skewed it may be depending on if the channel is conservative or liberal, but when the viewer put on CNN expecting to hear the news they would see a show called crossfire that they would expect to hear the democratic and republican views on the days issues. Instead what the people saw was two people on different sides of an argument taking turns to jump down the throat of the poor person who got stuck in between them. Not only would the people not get to hear the views of both parties but they wouldn't even hear the issues that the country was facing on that particular day. When the people don't know what is going wrong in the country they don't know who to vote for to fix the issues, so now they don't vote for the people that can fix the problems in America and it does hurt the country and we end up in big trouble as a country just because people don't know what is going on.

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